
For a free quickie, follow me on Twitter and Tweet a question to me.

For Technician level service you will have a list of prepared questions to ask. Minimum 2 hours and prorated to the half hour. Scheduling by email. $80/hr

For Computerist level service if you can’t really describe what is going wrong and you need it fixed or tweaked. Higher priority email scheduling. Minimum 1 hour and prorated to the half hour. $150/hr

To jump the line for Concierge level service. Includes complementary 10 minute triage and scheduling by text message. Not prorated. $314.16/hr

Once booked for Technician or Computerist level service, you will be contacted and your appointment will appear on the calendar below by your FirstName.InitialofLastName.AreaCode and start time. Availability is 9am-9pm daily and is on rolling priority basis based on the following start time blocks of morning(9-12pm), afternoon(1pm-4pm), and evening(5pm-8pm).